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Hiring a Private Investigator Giving you the upper-hand during this difficult time.

The Comprehensive Guide to Using a Private Investigator

Top-Rated Lawyers Serving San Bernardino, Riverside & Hemet

The Law Office of Michael R. Young have been providing spouses and families with highly-rated legal advocacy for a combined 50+ years. Our attorneys are committed to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcomes for their situation—whether it’s a custody battle or a hostile, contested divorce.

Our San Bernardino lawyers earned multiple client and peer ratings:

  • Rated AV® Preeminent™ by Martindale-Hubbell
  • Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau
  • Rated 10.0 on Avvo—a grade of “Superb”

Each of these ratings are the highest in each class and represent a dedication to integrity, skill, and results. The AV® rating in particular is one of the most sought-after legal ratings in the profession, demonstrating a history of consistent skill and client-oriented representation.

We hope you benefit from our guide to using private investigators—what qualities you should look for, how a PI can help, and how to conduct investigation ethically.

If you find that you have questions regarding the unique details of your case, call (909) 315-4588!

What Is a Private Investigator?

Essentially, an investigator is a professional data-gatherer. Some specialize in data-gathering in person (like you might see in a movie), but many are technological data-gatherers as well. You can hire a private investigator to gather evidence, testify on your behalf, or serve subpoenas to parties who are avoiding you. In California, you must obtain a professional license in order to work as a private investigator.

When we think of private investigators, we picture the stereotype that television and movies have developed. If you’ve seen The Big Lebowski, you may recall the sleazy investigator, camped out in his old VW Beetle, with his unkempt suit and greased hair. He even proudly refers to himself as a “brother Seamus” and a “private snoop.”

Do private investigators who fit this stereotype really exist?

Yes and no. In any profession, you may encounter the stereotypes who fit a less-than-reputable mold. However, the reality is that private investigators can be an invaluable resource in collecting information and data on your behalf. Today, most private investigators employ the highest degrees of professionalism and adherence to federal and California law in order to ensure quality results for clients.

At the Law Office of Michael R. Young, we have developed strong professional relationships with seasoned private investigators who have assisted in delivering favorable results for our clients.

How Can a Private Investigator Help My Case?

It is important to know that your attorney cannot be a witness to your case. This means that if you suspect your spouse is earning undeclared income that would affect alimony, your attorney cannot drive around and observe these activities. Why is this? The short answer: it is your attorney’s job to advocate your case and examine witnesses. If your attorney becomes a witness, he has to take the stand and ask himself questions and then be examined by the opposing attorney. This is improper and ill-advisable.

Enter the private investigator. He or she has the ability to:

  • Observe and document activities
  • Gather photographic or video evidence
  • Interview potential witnesses
  • Collect data and information
  • Report findings back to the attorney
  • Report findings as a witness

We often associate the use of private investigators with proving whether or not a spouse is being unfaithful. However, infidelity is not a basis for divorce because California is a “no-fault” divorce state. However, if a spouse is engaging in a relationship with an unknown individual, and custody is an issue, it is important to know who that person is because they may potentially be around the children. If that person has a criminal record, history of domestic violence, and/or substance abuse, these are serious factors that both parties and the court need to be made aware of when determining custody.

When Should I Hire a Private Investigator?

Whenever there is a suspicion of activities or finances that are not being disclosed, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney to determine whether or not a private investigator should be hired. At some point in the divorce process, it may become necessary to present evidence to the court in order to reveal that a spouse is hiding assets or another issue.

These issues commonly include:

As with any other legal matter, family law cases require that evidence presented complies with California’s Evidence Code. The Evidence Code has specific rules and regulations as to what evidence may be presented. This includes how the evidence was obtained in order for it to be admissible in court.

The use of an experienced private investigator, under the direction of an attorney, ensures that evidence is gathered in compliance with the Evidence Code and securing its admissibility in court. Too often, people make the mistake of thinking that they can gather this evidence themselves, only to discover that they obtained the evidence in a manner that is not permissible and disallowed by the court.

Unlawfully Retrieved Evidence Cannot Be Admitted

A common situation would be if a person suspects that their spouse’s email contains incriminating evidence. They know their spouse regularly uses the same password for email, Facebook, and Twitter. They open their spouse’s email using that password, discovering that their suspicions were correct and print off the incriminating evidence.

They then produce this evidence to the court in order to increase alimony payments on the basis that their spouse earns far more than he or she was reporting. The problem, however, is that the judge will not allow this evidence to enter the record because the spouse’s privacy was wrongly breached and the email was obtained illegally. Now, it cannot be considered in the determination of spousal support.

It is important to remember that a private investigator is hired for the sole purpose of gathering evidence. A person may only have a rumor or hunch, which would not be enough in a court of law, but is worth investigating. It is better to discuss these feelings with your attorney to determine whether the services of a private investigator are needed in order to validate the legitimacy of those rumors or hunches.

Should I Tell Anyone That I Am Using a Private Investigator?


One of the main advantages of hiring a PI is that the investigator is unknown to the opposing party. Unfortunately, when we tell people confidences—even our best friends or family members—word tends to spread. It is important to err on the side of caution and avoid informing anyone of your intentions to hire a private investigator. If the opposing party is alerted to the possibility that a private investigator may be assisting your case, typically they will alter their behaviors and routines. This only serves to make the investigator’s job more difficult and may lead to wasted time, resources, and money.

Should I Hire the Private Investigator Directly?

Too often, a husband or wife who suspects that information or activities are being concealed by their spouse will hire a private investigator directly. This is a mistake.

There are rules regarding confidentiality and privilege in California that are not generally established between a private investigator and the client. However, when an investigator is hired by an attorney on behalf of a client, the rules governing attorney-client confidentiality are extended to the private investigator. This means that any materials, documentation, and evidence produced by the investigator in preparation for trial may be protected by being discovered by the opposing side.

This is commonly referred to as “attorney work product.” Furthermore, as was mentioned above, a private investigator should be directed by an attorney. This ensures that evidence is gathered and documented properly and in compliance with California evidence laws. The attorney is then able to review the information that is collected and determine the best course of action for moving forward with the client.

What Happens with Information the Private Investigator Collects?

Not all evidence that is gathered by a private investigator may be beneficial to a family law case. An evaluation of the case with an experienced family law attorney will help determine whether hiring a private investigator is worth the client’s time and money. As discussed above, when a private investigator is properly hired and managed by an experienced family law attorney, the information collected is protected under the attorney work product doctrine. This ensures that the information remains private and may not be disclosed to the opposing party or any third party without the client’s authorization.

I Can’t Afford a Private Investigator...Should I Hire My Friend?

It is highly inadvisable to hire friends or family who are not licensed private investigators to handle surveillance and evidence collection. Almost all of us have that friend who is an amateur photographer or believes that they are savvy enough with technology to covertly obtain evidence. This is a recipe for disaster that could expose a client to civil, and possibly criminal, liability.

It is illegal to engage in wiretapping and email hacking under both federal and California laws. Furthermore, there are laws against trespassing and harassment that must be strictly adhered to when engaging in private investigation. Private investigators are professionally licensed and are under the direction of attorneys to ensure that these laws are respected and in compliance during an investigation.

Even in the instance that a friend abides by all laws and legally obtains evidence, there are additional factors that may affect the admissibility of that evidence in court. For example, investigators have training and experience that they may rely on while gathering evidence, which may qualify them as an expert witness and allowing them to form an opinion as to their observations.

A friend is not an expert in surveillance and evidence collection, so they would not qualify as an expert witness, which would prevent them from offering an opinion or speculation as to the nature of their findings. An expert opinion regarding evidence can be as valuable as the evidence itself—hiring a friend would be throwing away half of the advantage.

Finally, as a matter of practicality, friends are often known to the spouse, which leads to their presence being known quickly. Once a former spouse is tipped off that someone is following and documenting their activities, they will surely change their behaviors and habits, which damages the ability to gather reliable evidence. It is important to discuss the possibility of using a private investigator with an attorney who can direct and manage all aspects of the investigation in a manner most beneficial to the client.

I Suspect My Spouse Is Cheating...Should I Hire a Private Investigator?

As mentioned above, unfaithfulness by a spouse is not relevant in a California divorce case. California is a “no fault” divorce state and infidelity cannot be a basis for divorce. However, while the cheating itself may not be a basis for divorce, an investigation into the nature of that relationship may have an effect on other issues presented in the case. This may include custody, visitation, alimony, and property division.

For example, suppose a spouse is unfaithful and has been conducting a long affair. Furthermore, suppose that he / she does not work and is asking the court to award them support from their high-earning spouse in order to maintain a lifestyle and standard of living. An investigation into the affair may reveal the husband or wife’s intention to quietly marry the other individual once divorce is finalized. This would have an eliminating effect on their ability to collect future spousal support due to the remarriage.

In the case of child custody, an investigation into the nature of the affair may have an effect on the unfaithful spouse’s determination of custody or visitation rights after separation. If you suspect that your spouse is engaged in an extramarital affair, it is important for the child’s interests and safety to investigate who that person is and their background. An investigation may not reveal anything, but there may be a chance that this person has a criminal record or history of domestic violence and/or drug use.

These are serious and considerable factors that will affect child’s rights.

Third, in the case of property, an investigation into an extramarital affair may reveal the concealment or unlawful ‘gifting’ of marital property to a third party. When dealing with property issues, it is important to remember that each spouse has a duty to the marriage, or “community,” to safeguard each other’s property. This is why there are automatic restraining orders that go into effect as soon as a petition for divorce is filed. If you suspect that your spouse may be passing community property to their extramarital partner, a private investigator will assist in proving these actions, aiding your case for recovery.

How Can a Private Investigator Help with Child Support / Custody?

As mentioned above, a private investigator may assist with collecting vital information that affects child support, custody, or visitation rights of the parents. Again, in the case of one spouse who has a new boyfriend or girlfriend, the investigation may reveal information about that partner’s history or criminal record that could help protect the best interests of the child. Beyond the issue of investigating new partners, private investigators may also assist in child support and custody matters in the following ways:

For example, suppose that a wife a strong suspicion that her husband tends to drink and drive while the children are passengers in the car. An investigator can be hired to follow the father to a bar, observe the father drink several alcoholic beverages and then pick the children up from school while under the influence. An investigator would document this behavior with notes and audio / visual equipment and allow the mother to present this evidence in court to demonstrate the danger to children’s safety and well-being.

Not every case may have examples of this extreme child endangerment. Smaller issues, such as, allowing the children to ride without a seat belt is evidence of reckless behavior that may affect custody rights.

It is possible that one spouse’s dating habits and behavior creates a situation that compromises the safety and best interests of the children. For example, if one spouse has weekend custody and leaves the minor children unattended in the evenings while she goes out on dates with her new boyfriend, this evidence gathered by an investigator may be grounds to revisit and amend the child custody agreement.

What Is a Private Investigator Permitted to Do?

There are strict laws that must be adhered to at all times during a private investigation. Failure to obey these laws opens the door to civil and criminal liabilities. Additionally, evidence that is obtained in violation of these laws makes that evidence inadmissible in court.

This results in wasted time and money and, worse, places a client at a disadvantage.

Private investigators may utilize techniques involving surveillance and information collection. It is illegal to engage in wiretapping without consent from the targeted person. A person should never take it upon themselves to covertly record audio or videotape private homes or conversations without first consulting with an attorney.

Is it Legal to Hire a Private Investigator to Follow Someone?

It is legal for a private investigator to track someone, however there is As with audio and video surveillance, there are numerous laws that must be considered before engaging in this type of evidence collection. A private investigator may videotape or photograph anything that is visible in public because there is no “expectation of privacy.” However, there are laws that regulate whether or not private conversations, even in public, may be recorded.

There are numerous complexities in achieving this lawfully and should only be conducted under the strict guidance and direction from an experienced attorney in order to avoid criminal and civil liability.

Get Legal Counsel Regarding a PI Today: Call (909) 315-4588.

So what is the bottom line?

A private investigator can be an invaluable tool and resource during the divorce process and post-divorce proceedings. The information and evidence gathered can make all the difference in obtaining a favorable outcome for a client. This is especially true in cases where child custody and visitation are at issue and there is a suspicion that the child’s best interests may be endangered.

This is also the case for when financial information is contested, and there is a suspicion that income or other assets have been concealed from the opposing spouse. An experienced private investigator, under the direction of an attorney, can help discover and resolve any outstanding financial issues.

The Law Office of Michael R. Young has developed a close network of experienced, professional private investigators to assist our clients. We have the demonstrated commitment to our clients to sit down and determine the most appropriate strategy for each case. This includes the decision of whether or not to proceed with hiring a private investigator to assist with evidence and information collection.

For the reasons listed above, it is important to consult with an experienced San Bernardino attorney before making any determination as to whether to proceed with a private investigator. Contact us today.

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